Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Performance with Ras Adibah at Actors Studio

Taken in actors studio, Bangsar. A night to remember, especially being able to sing next to Ras Adibah. A feeling og excitement and exctaticness. To get applauses from the crowds and standing ovations from the audiances was overwhelming. Many wanted an encore and everyone said it was good.

We had a good team to work with, although the arguments and fight during practices but it all came out very well. An important night for many of our careers as well as professionalism. We were all tired that night, but the tiredness seems not to be taking us over as we were filled with adrennelin rush of excitement and joy.

This is to commamorate Ras Adinah's 6th year of being unable to walk and to accept herself at present. It was a tearfelt story she told us and not to take life for granted. She lost he career and he strength. She became weak but up to today she is one on an iconic lady in Malaysia to look up on. That she made her dissabilities into her strength. Not only for herself but for the people who are in the same situation with her.

Like has many things to give if we only see it and do it well. Nor, to commamorate Hari Merdeka, Us as one nation to help one another.

Thank you Ras Adibah and i look forward to being able to do more shows for you in the future.

Afif,Zaf and Awang

all the musician

Ras Adibah


mArMaLaDe said...

wah...so happening la u...c mimi@rubisa xjoin ka?

Anonymous said...

helooo.. hehehe memang best, ahh jangan lupa k datang nanti 22 nie di kompleks asia city, saya ada show sana u take care k.. see u there

mArMaLaDe said...

andy..will b there

Anonymous said...

thanks..hehehe. bawa geng2 kita dulu2.. si rosdi pun pegi tu.. saya sudah cakap sama dia..saya ada jumpa dia di kl.. so apa rancangan kau sekarang..

Anonymous said...

ah.. ada satu lagi.. new year saya sama rachel ada performe di kompleks asia city..tapi diluar kena buat stage.. so datang ramai2..malam tu..k

mArMaLaDe said...

oo..ba nti kmi p ramai2...sa ada kestau jg c nesh..skg sa msh study lor..ada jg la offer sa dpt, tp terpaksa sa tolak..bila ko balik kk?kta p clubbing rmai2..ahaha..