One of the advertisements for LG product taken in LG House in KL. I would have liked to take more photos as i had a blast taking them but there was a big group of us and we all represented different product of LG. Now that the show has ended i still have these photos as memories of the last 4 months training and performing with them. Not taking things for granted, the breathing classes, the motivational talks and voice controlls. Singing is my passion, singing is my dream and it is my ambition and goal to make this my proffessional carreer.
The Picture below is one of LG's flat screen television , i was so looking forwad to actually being able to take it home when the show is done but unfortunately it was over my budget then. Nevertheless i still love my current television. But the picture last forever, i look kinda god in it too. but if you look carfully im staring at mountains hehe which is kinda weired but hay, is just an advetisement. I tried to make the picture look real and alive, but they asked me to do something that varies from funny, shock and excited. So they chose this instead.
Here is another one of the promo photos, hahaha just tekan only the button but tiada yang keluar... wiring problemss, tergendala sebentar. Sila tunggu. ttttuuuuuuuuu....

Well those are just some of the pictures, but i will keep you posted when i have more.
andy adrian j. ongkinoh!!!!pa kabar ko???astaga...sa xtau pla ko ada blog...cmna sda ko skg??em....c DD mo p kl sda nti, tp sa pun lupa bila..hope that u'll aim ur dream..
btw, if u have time when u at kk, don't 4get to call us..k...
peAce n miz all the Idola Sabah finalist!
ps:check out my blog, n u'll see the face of Idola Sabah 2005 dulu2... ;)
Hi there, thank you. Jan lupa pi show on the 22nd of Dec di Kompleks Asia City.
andy: ok...i'll try to b there...also will ask ridah to join us..
good evening everyone. I'm honestly into shoes and I had been searching as far as something that exact make. The prices for the shoes were around 340 dollars everwhere. But for all I found this location selling them someone is concerned half price. I in reality want these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will probably order these. what can you say about it?
good afternoon friends. I'm actually into shoes and I had been searching allowing for regarding that particular make. The prices for the shoes were about 310 bucks everwhere. But completely I found this locate selling them someone is concerned half price. I absolutely like those [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will probably buy these. what do you think?
hi fellas. I'm actually into shoes and I was looking for the sake of that particular make. The prices as regards the boots are approximately 230 dollars on every page. But definitively I found this site selling them as a remedy for half price. I really love those [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably buy these. what is your opinion?
hello everyone. I'm really into shoes and I was looking for that meticulous model. The prices due to the fact that the boots were about 170 pounds on every page. But completely I bring about this site selling them for half price. I absolutely love these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy those. what can you tell me about these?
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