This is top 25 finalist for Mystarz Singing competition. A mixtures of many feelings when i was in that situation. A mixtures of being scared, worried and nervous. When my name was mentioned that i was selected as the top 12, this was it, i felt that it was my time to prove myself. Whether or not i get through the last stage of the finale, the experience and exposure is the one that counts. Nevertheless most of the contestants were really good and some were already singers in their own band, but being the top 12 out of hundreds of people is a great accomplishment. Singing is my dream, it is the air that i breath and it is the foundation of my core soul. To sing is my ambition and it will be my goal to go the distance.
The picture above is the last of the 25 contestants before they were eliminated one by one. Now that the competition has ended all we have is good memories and friendship. I still remembered when i sang the song " angin malam" and chinese song "peng you".. the look of the other contestants and their eyes, nonetheless all of them very telented o.. nasib baik saja saya dapat menambat hati juri.. all the judges mentioned is that i needed more vocal practice and training and i went through all that during the clases in LG house.
It has given me vocal and beathing strength, moreover the exposure in singing infront of the entire nation. It does get overwhelming at times but its all an adventure and it is all a ride to remember.

This is one of my funny pictures that i find facinating. See my finger, lucu kan..actually itu adalah satu taktik make your voice go higher and bigger.. hehehehehe its that true kah?

I would like to say thanks to all of the crew involved, tenaga pengajar and band member... professional singers just to name a few such as Siti Burhaliza, M. Nasir, Aubrey Suwito and many others.. thank you so much..........