Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chapter One, Page One

A production of Sabah or famously known as the land below the wind.

I am Andy Adrian J and i love to sing. This is my story of a journey that i want to share.

I have always known that i could sing since young but growing up in k.k during those days the industry was difficult when i was in k.k. as i grew older, i slowly ventured into singing professionaly may it be in karaoke clubs but either then my day job, I took a partime singing job 7 days a week for band in BB Cafe, kota kinabalu.

Feeling tired everyday after work in an events company, but because i love singing so much, i made an effort and initiative to sing at night everyday for 4 hours entertaining the pub guest from all over the world.


My job merosot when the owner could not pay my salary for months and commission as promised were never payed. Finally i resigned and sang full time. Unfortunately that did not walk out as weel, when the manager of the band never payed me ontime and again i was under payed.

I therefore took the risk under the advise of all my friends to come and try it out in kl. And this is way my story begin.........